Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Jim LeFan is based in Austin, Texas, and specializes in therapy for children, adults, and empowering women to make healthy life decisions, promoting strength and independence.
He holds a Ph.D. with a specialization in Social, Developmental & Personality Psychology, two Masters Degrees in Social Psychology and Program Evaluation, and a Bachelor Degree in Psychology, all from the University of Texas. His professional experience ranges from collaborations with NASA to the effects of public school desegregation.

Ph. D. Psychology
University of Texas
Specializing in Social, Developmental & Personality Psychology
M. A. Psychology
University of Texas
Specialization in Program Evaluation
M. A. Psychology
University of Texas
Social Psychology
B. A. Psychology
University of Texas, 1969
A. A. Psychology
Temple College, 1967
Associations and Honors
Distinguished Psychologists Award, International Conference on Human Relations, Nice, France 1992
Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society in Education
American Psychological Association
American Association for Mental Deficiency
Texas Psychological Association
American Association for Counseling and Development
Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance
National Human Factors Society